English Italian translations
English Italian Translations

English Translations - italiano Italiano Italian Translations - inglese English






I work with the several agencies and direct customers all over the world and in Italy.


I prefer not to reveal their identities to maintain their privacy. I delivered quality translations to about 150 customers in the following fields:


IT (Information Technology)



Technical manuals


Mechanical devices

Legal Contracts and Agreements


Commercial letters

Balance Sheets




Medical manuals

Pharmaceutical text


And even:


A text on Olive Oil

Curriculum Vitae for private professional men

and so on...


There is a reason why I can deliver quality translations even in the fields where I am not specialized.

I developed a terminology search system (in addition to my experience in these fields) that permits me to find the exact applicable term. The growing glossary collection that I created is only a small part of the system; in addition there is the revision of the text by professional men in the field and other exclusive secrets that I am collecting in a book on translations that will be published by an Italian Publishing House in the near future.

Please contact me for further information.







Note: Our specialization is web sites, IT, legal and commercial translations. Always reviewed by professional mother tongue translator/translators specialized in the field. I offer English Italian translations and back. The Italian translation (or English translation) is always performed by a mother tongue professional translator or translators for the target language / languages.

Traduttore professionista - mail
Contact me!

Paolo Roat

Via Val di de sas, 7

Fr. Ischia, Pergine Valsugana

38050 Trento (Italy)

Tel. (+39) 0461 532434/558
Fax (+39) 0461 793112527