English Italian translations
English Italian Translations

English translations - italiano Italiano Italian translations - inglese English




Please contact me for further information or for an estimate

                     Please, contact me... Traduttore professionista - mail

Paolo Roat

Via Valdesas, 7

Ischia di Pergine

38050 Trento (Italy)

Tel. (+39) 0461 532434/532558

Fax (+39) 0461 793112527






Note: Our specialization is web sites, IT, legal and commercial translations. Always reviewed by professional mother tongue translator/translators specialized in the field. I offer English Italian translations and back. The Italian translation (or English translation) is always performed by a mother tongue professional translator or translators for the target language / languages.

Traduttore professionista - mail
Contact me!

Paolo Roat

Via Val di de sas, 7

Fr. Ischia, Pergine Valsugana

38050 Trento (Italy)

Tel. (+39) 0461 532434/558
Fax (+39) 0461 793112527